- Every student entering in the library premises should have an Identity card.
- It should be produce as and when demanded by the library staff.
- Every student & Teacher entering in the library must scan I card Bar codes to LIBRARY ATTENDANCE TRACKING SYSTEM.
- Identity card and Reader's ticket are non-transferable.
- Students must handle books or any other reading material with responsibility.
- Defacing or tearing the pages will be treated as misconduct and the defaulter will be strictly deal with.
- Students must consider the above mentioned condition before borrowing,
- Otherwise they shall be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning the book.
- Only one book will be issued on reader's ticket for a period of seven days.
- Reference books, periodicals / Journals are not issued on home lending.
- Book should be returned on or before the due date.
- If the book is returned after the due date a fine of Rupees 2/- per day will be charged.
- If the due date falls on a holiday then book should be returned on the next day.
- If the books are not returned immediately after the holiday the fine will be calculated from the due date till it is returned.
- The book will be re-issued if they are not in demand.
- Fine will be charged for loss of books in addition to replacement of the same.
- If the ID card and reader's ticket are lost, duplicate ID card &reader’s ticket will be issued on payment of Rs.100/- for ID.
- Rs. 100/- for reader's ticket after producing the Police complaint copy.
- For any reference material or information a student should approach the librarian.
- Every student is expected to read and strictly follow the instructions displayed on Library notice Board.
- All cases of the student who disregard the rules given above will be reported to the Principal for Appropriate action.
- Any electronic device i.e. mobile phones, i-pods,music players are strictly prohibited in the Library premises.
- If any problem regarding Library services or facilities immediately contact Librarian.