1. Self-discipline is the best discipline.All students are expected to observe rules and regulations currently inforce to enable the smooth working of the college.
2. Students are prohibited from doing any thing inside or outside the college that will interfere with its orderly administration or affect is public image.No out side influence,political or any other,should be brought in the college directly or indirectly.
3. Students resorting to unfair means at the examinations will be deal in accordance with the provisions of the Government of Maharashtra ActNo.XXXI of 1982 and the Maharashtra Universities Act 1994.
1. Students should always wear their valid college Identity card whenever incollege or while representing the college at any other place.Further,it should be produced whenever demanded by any of the college staff.
2. During the conduct of lectures,students should not loiter in the corridors or in and around the college premises.
3. The college does not enforce adress code.However,all students are expected to observed ecorum to enhance the image of the college.
4. While representing the college at any other place,the student’s behaviour should not be detrimental to the image of the college.
5. In case of any problem,personal or academic,students should report to the Prof-in-Charge of their respective class.Junior College Supervisor or the Vice-Principal who will help them to solve their problems.
6. Students are directed not to bring any outsider in to the college premises.
7. Students are directed no to collect any fund from other students or from outsiders without the written Permission of the Principal.
8. Students shall organize picnics,excursion,trips,etc.on their own,only with the written permission of the Principal.
9. The powers relating to the disciplinary action in the college will vest with the Principal and his decision in this respect shall be final. Any one who violates the code of conduct will be severely dealt with.