The Complexity of today's computing systems requires the skills of knowledgeable and versatile scientists who have a
firm grasp of the fundamental concepts as well as in-depth knowledge of specific areas. We are in the midst of a
revolution in the world of computing that will have far-teaching implications for all of our lives. The emergence of this
new digital era will bring with it many scientific, technological and social challenges. Year 1 concentrates on
programming and program design. Year 2 builds on these programming skills in the context of software engineering.
Year 3 offers a range of more advanced topics, and gives you an opportunity to specialize in Networking, Web
Technologies and also on a major Software Project of your choice. This degree covers a range of skills from the
technical design and implementation of software solutions through to the organized management of information
which involves a mixture of both theoretical and practical aspects.
Program Structure
- First Semester (Seven Papers + Practical)
- Computer Organisation – I
- Algorithms & Programming in C - I
- Calculus & Analytic Geometry – I
- Discrete Mathematics – I
- Descriptive Statisti cs – I
- Statistical Methods – I
- Foundation Course
- Statistics Practical
- Computer Practical
- Second Semester(Seven Papers + Practical)
- Computer Organisation – II
- Algorithms & Programming in C - II
- Calculus & Analytic Geometry – II
- Discrete Mathematics – II
- Descriptive Statistics – II
- Statistical Methods – II
- Foundation Course
- Statistics Practical
- Computer Practical
- Third Semester (Seven Papers + Practical)
- Discrete Mathematics
- C++ Programming
- Database Management System – I
- Calculus & Analysis – I
- Linear Algebra – I
- Computational Mathematics – I
- Foundation Course
- Computer Practical
- Fourth Semester (Seven Papers + Practical)
- Computer Graphics
- Java Programming
- Software Engineering - I
- Calculus & Analysis – II
- Linear Algebra – II
- Computational Mathematics – II
- Foundation Course
- Computer Practical
- Fifth Semester (Five Papers + Practical)
- Data Communication, Network & Security – I
- Advance Java – I
- Operating Systems
- Database Management System – II
- Principles of Web Design & Web Technologies – I
- Practical of DCN - I + Ad. Java- I
- Practical of OS + DBMS - II
- Practical of Web Design & Web Technologies – I
- Sixth Semester (Five Papers +Practical +Project)
- Data Communication, Network & Security - II
- Advance Java – II
- Linux
- Software Engineering - II
- Principles of Web Design & Web Technologies - II
- Practical of LINUX + Ad. Java- II
- Project
- Practical of Web Design & Web Technologies - II